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PM360 embraces diversity, gender equality, ideas, and innovation that advance bold ideas in pharmaceutical marketing. PM360 is the premier, must-read magazine for marketing decision makers in the pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device industries. Published monthly, PM360 is the only journal that focuses on delivering the full spectrum of practical information necessary for product managers and pharma marketing professionals to succeed in the complex and highly regulated healthcare environment.
Do You Hear Me? When HCPs Want Their Opinions Heard
Do You Hear Me? When HCPs Want Their Opinions Heard Patients have access to a wealth of online information to help facilitate a better dialogue with their doctors. But who solicits and listens to physicians to understand what they want in their medical [...]
The Evolution of Media in Medical Education: Introducing HSS Viewpoint
The Evolution of Media in Medical Education: Introducing HSS Viewpoint More than ever, physician time is at a premium. Heavy patient loads, paperwork, research, presentations at medical meetings, and department/academic obligations make it tough to keep up with the literature, new therapies, and [...]
Focus on Medical Insights
It’s no secret healthcare professional (HCP) engagement models have changed since the start of the pandemic.
Checking In or Checking Out? HCPs Assess the Long-Term Utility of Telehealth
Prior to the pandemic, patient visits to healthcare professionals (HCP) were done largely one way—in person.
Peruse our collection of resources designed to help you increase specialty HCP engagement.
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