Marketing and Sales: Friends or Foes?
Published May 11, 2023
As marketers, we love thinking up big ideas and running with them. We often have to slow ourselves down to work through the not-as-fun part, logistics. But in all the brainstorming, creativity, and planning, one key element sometimes gets overlooked: How does the sales team fit in?
Since the dawn of advertising, there has been an ongoing debate about whether companies need marketers or salespeople. Don’t they do the same thing, generate revenue? If you fall into either camp, you probably just said “no” out loud. While both sides have similar goals, the paths taken toward achieving those goals can differ. But rather than working in a silo, there are ways each team can support the other. After all, there’s no use in implementing a marketing strategy that sales can’t use in the field. So, if we’re not foes, what should our friendship look like? Let’s take a dive.
Your company will have more power and leverage in its industry when marketing and sales are on the same page. You know the saying: Two heads are better than one. What partnering tips have your teams found useful? Tell us by using the links below to share this post on social media and tag us in your comments.
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