Healio Leads the Charge in Sustainable Health Care Media

linda baker

By Linda Baker, Chief Information Officer, The Wyanoke Group

Published June 18, 2024


Sustainability continues to be a hot topic in digital advertising. Healio believes that promoting a healthy planet goes together with promoting a healthy population. The company is proud to be a pioneer in the movement to reduce carbon emissions associated with media and advertising. For The Wyanoke Group, Healio’s parent company, this isn’t just about following the latest trend; it’s about aligning our values with the well-being of our employees, making a difference in the communities we serve, and striving to create a positive global impact.

Why sustainability matters in digital media

Consumers increasingly factor a brand’s environmental commitment into their purchasing decisions in today’s environmentally conscious world. This scrutiny extends beyond the products themselves. As brands and agencies focus on sustainability, they also question the environmental impact of the ads promoting those products. Despite its seemingly non-physical nature, digital advertising has a surprisingly large ecological footprint.

It takes significant energy to power the vast network of data centers of online advertising, which translates into greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the resource-intensive technology that powers real-time ad auctions, personalized targeting, and ad delivery involves complex algorithms and processes that require a lot of computing power, which comes with a high energy cost and translates into to a larger carbon footprint.

Key findings from the IAB Europe’s State of Readiness: Sustainability in Digital Advertising Report 2024 show that sustainability was one of the top three business challenges in the EU, falling just below the deprecation of third-party cookies. And although 90% of surveyed European companies are adopting solutions to reduce emissions in the digital advertising supply chain, the U.S. lags in similar initiatives.

Healio takes action

Healio recognizes its responsibility and is taking action. Through a partnership with 51toCarbonZero, a platform designed to help companies measure, reduce, and track their carbon footprint, Healio is taking a proactive stance on sustainability by becoming the first health care publisher to adopt the 51-0 platform, setting a powerful example for others.

“Healio is committed to excellence in everything we do and that extends to our environmental stewardship,” said Matt Holland, Chief Operating Officer of Healio. “Partnering with 51toCarbonZero allows us to take a proactive approach to sustainability and responsible business practices within the health care media landscape.”

Healio’s Commitment: Beyond Technology

The partnership with 51toCarbonZero is just one piece of Healio’s comprehensive sustainability strategy. The company is also seeking ways to optimize energy consumption across our operations, prioritize using environmentally friendly materials in printing practices and promotional materials, and foster a culture of environmental awareness among employees.

By taking these steps, Healio aims to minimize its environmental impact and inspire others in the health care media industry to embrace a more sustainable future.

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